Friday, 9 November 2012

Digital 'Painting'...and unforseen circumstances of the educational kind...

An interesting thing happened on my way to starting my final artwork...

My painting 'Master' and I were hijacked on the beach into filling supervisory roles for the Pac Paradise Year 6 surf awareness lesson(s) due to...well, the myriad of things that can happen when organising an excursion of this kind...very 'education-al'.

So blue cards and current first aid  presented it was off into a metre plus rising swell on a dead low tide with collapsing sandbars, flash rips, freak waves and 60+ enthusiastic kids trusting us with their lives, oblivious to the extreme trepidation of their 'lifeguards'. Images of my dear friend Paul Simpson sacrificing his own life to save his students a year or so ago at Jan Juc/Bells Beach, mutating the mental pictures I'd conjured during meditation of a tranquil assortment of curves and colours, into a hectic colour discord of juxtapositioned, non complementary colours representing my negative mental vibrations!

And then it was over and the kids had a ball! Some novelty value for some of them having the guy they are usually hassling for waves armed with their toothpick surfboards, participating in their school lesson and 'talking like a real teacher' (From the mouths of babes?!) But this 'real teacher' could barely hold the tea pot steady let alone learn brushwork so decided to find a nice quiet place and do a bit of reflection and planning of the piece rather than 'wing it' on the strength of my 'undiscovered creative genius'. (Theres a reference to that somewhere in the readings but I'll have to revisit it later!).

So long story quickly concluded, I started mucking around with concept maps of my canvases and inserted scanned copies of the curves we drew using those tools (?) in class on Monday. From there I had the inspiration to have a splash (pun intended) at using Microsoft Paint to throw in some shades from the colour wheel to see what eventuated...

Well it so turns out that my experiment has very much informed what my final piece will actually look like now, so I can only give a sneak preview of the initial stages and leave you to see if you find Paint a useful planning tool for works involving abstract and cubism. Myself I found it quite invigorating in creating a work from the "Gordon rattled after a day looking after 60 kids in dangerous surf conditions-ism" art movement.!!!

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