Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Colours and application techniques

I've viewed so much art from the art movements directory on moodle that a blur of colour and shape has coagulated into a single mental image of 'Art'.

Interestingly, whilst a couple of years ago my tastes in art ranged from Da Vinci' Mona Lisa to Da Vinci's Mona Lisa... with a mild curiosity around Warhol's soup cans and Marilyn (more for the amazement at how an eccentric little fellow with slightly more eccentricity than the 'psychedelic underground' bohemian clique of Greenwich Village, could rise to prominence, fame and financial wealth by plaigiarising someone's product branding and by portraying Marilyn Munroe as a comic book image...than anything to do with what my narrow world view construed as 'Art'.

However, from the 'blur' of colour and forms that now constitutes my 'mind picture' has emerged some standout images around the edges....

I saw the post modernism work of Jasper Johns and began experimenting to try and figure out how he applied those colours? Might have been more conventional to research the artist and read how he did it but being a tactile learner I've gained much more my trying different application techniques myself including a plastic serrated knife edge, a sponge and a conventional brush. The example below wasnt intended to represent anything in particular but as the experiment unfolded I started to see a 'mood' developing and so went with it to see what developed.

It was the first step in what has become a process of experimentation and development towards creating a piece of my own work... watch this space!
The 'smiling eye' (slightly left upper central) is 'watching' you...


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